Details |
FromTo |
Name of the Organization |
Assistant Professor |
June’2018 |
Till Date |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
Assistant Professor |
16th June, 2007 |
May, 2018 |
Balaji Group of Institutions, Warangal. |
Training and Placement Officer |
21st November, 2013 |
May, 2018 |
Balaji Group of Institutions, Wgl |
Software Programmer |
June, 2006 |
June, 2007 |
WINACT Technologies |
Publications in Refereed Journals | |
S. No |
Details |
1 |
2023-24 A Novel Enhanced Approach for Security and Privacy Preserving in
IoT Devices with Federal Learning Technique in SN Computer Science (Scopus)
2 |
2023-24 An Intelligent Crow Search Optimization and Bi-GRU for
Forest Fire Detection System using Internet of Things in NEPT Journal (Scopus)
3 |
2021-22 A Novel Method to Solve Real Time Security Issues in
Software Industry Using Advanced Cryptographic Techniques in Hindawi Scientific Programming (SCI)
4 |
2020-21 Application of machine learning on fraud app detection in
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (Scopus)
5 |
2019-20 An Enhanced IoT Accommodation Technique towards Wireless
Networks in International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) (Scopus)
6 |
2020 Glimpse On Blockchain Technology And Applications in International Conference on Recent Advancements in Engineering and Management |
7 |
Dec'19 An Enhanced Iot Accommodation Technique Towards Wireless Networks in International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) |
8 |
December, 2019 Framework towards the Process of Estimating or Predicting Perceived QoE Based on the Datasets Obtained From the Mobile Network in International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) |
9 |
2019 Open future directions and current challenges For research towards mobile and wireless Networking research based on deep learning in International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology |
10 |
Jan’19 Understanding the performance and potential of cloud computing for scientific applications in International Journal of Scientific Research and Review |
11 |
Sept’18 A hybrid algorithm based on gravitational search algorithm for software testing in Journal of Applied Science and Computations |
12 |
Feb’18 Genetic Algorithm and its Application in Software Test Data Generation in IJARST |
13 |
Nov’17 Learning of Dynamic Binary Neural Networks Based on Genetic Algorithms in IJIEMR |
14 |
Sep’17 Metaheuristic Algorithm based on the law of Universal Gravitation for Data Grouping in IJR |
15 |
Published an International Journal in IJPAM titled “ Interactive Faults Detection (Ifd) In Acceptance Testing Based On Optimal Test Cases Using Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA)” , Volume 115 No. 8 2017, 559-564 , ISSN: 1311-8080 |
16 |
Published an International journal titled “Genetic Search Algorithm (GSA) For Fault Proneness Reduction In Acceptance Testing Using Optimal Test Cases” in JARDCS with Issue: 18-Special Issue, Year: 2017, Pages: 1300-1311. |
17 |
Apr’17 Internet of Things- Internet Evolution in IJETT |
18 |
Dec’16 Gravitational Search Algorithm for Dynamic Neural Network in IJCTA |
19 |
Oct’16 Passive IP traceback: Disclosing the location of main in the middle from path backscatter in IJTRE |
20 |
Oct’16 A Novel method for coextracting opinion targets and opinion words by using a word alignment model in IJTRE |
21 |
Oct’16 Continuous and Transparent user identity verification for secure internet services in IJTRE |
22 |
Aug’16 A Peer to Peer Large Scale data processing Using MapReduce in IJR |
23 |
Published of the paper entitled “Prediction of re-ranking of web image using multimodal sparse code” in IJTRE (International Journal for Technological Research in Engineering), Volume 3, Issue 5, January - 2016. |
24 |
Aug’15 An Automated Resource allocation for Qos provision in a cloud based multimedia storage system in IJR |
25 |
Sep’14 Demand Routing in Network Layer for load Balancing in content delivery Networks in IJRCT |
S.No |
Details |
1 |
Presented a paper on "Optimizing Crop Yield through a Data-Driven Approach with IoT Data Analytics and Machine Learning Algorithms"
at the 15th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT),
held at IIT-Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India, in association with IEEE Electronics Packaging Society,
from June 24th – 28th, 2024.
2 |
International Conference on Feb’18 Homomorphic Decryption Technique in cloud Computing for privacy Preserving 2nd International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering , Science and technologies 16th-17th Feb’18, BITS, Nspt |
3 |
International Conference on Feb’18 Performance and analysis of texture synthesis based on Multi seed blocks and Kernel 2nd International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering , Science and technologies 16th-17th Feb’18, BITS, Nspt |
4 |
International Conference on Feb’18 A secure and Dynamic multi keyword ranked search scheme over encrypted cloud data 2nd International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering , Science and technologies 16th-17th Feb’18, BITS, Nspt |
5 |
International Conference on Aug’17 Cost Effectiveness of fault Detection in Acceptance testing International Conference on Latest Research in engineering Sceince 12th -13th Aug’17 CITS, Wgl |
6 |
National Conference on Mar’17 IoT-Internet Evolution 6th conference on emerging & innovative trends in CSE -30th-31st Mar’17(NCEITCS’17), VCE |
7 |
Presented in a DST Sponsored National Conference Paper "Ntk Info Security Model based on Web Data Mining Recent Trends in BDA&CC " in “The National Conference NCRTBACC-2017” held between 4th-5th January ’17 at Vidya Jyothi Institute Of Technology, HYD and Published in “International Journal Of Advances In Soft Computing Technology”. |
8 |
Presented International conference paper in “International Journal of Control Theory and Applications [Scopus Indexed]” titled “Gravitational Search Algorithm for Dynamic Neural Network” ISSN: 0974-5572 ,held betweed 20th to 22nd Dec’16 at D.Y.Patil College of Engineering, Pune,India |
9 |
Published a paper in a National Conference titled “Avoidance of Small Errors in Local Methods in Synthesized Texture”held at NCEITCS – 2015 in CSE Department at Vasavi Engineering College during April 1-2, 2015. |
10 |
Participated in a National Conference on “Information Technology (Techno-2010)” held at MallaReddy College of Engineering &Technology, Hyd during December 23-24, 2010. |
S.No |
Details |
1 |
Member – Indian Society for Technical Education |
2 |
Member – IAENG |
Undergraduate Level |
Courses Taught |
Currently Teaching |
Course |
Semester, Year, Branch |
Course |
Semester, Year, Branch |
Programming & Problem Solving using C |
Internet of Things |
Ethical Hacking |
Database Management Systems |
Software Engineering |
Computer Networks |
Internet of Things |
Scripting Languages |
Entrepreneurship Development |
Software Testing Methodology |
Cloud Computing |
Postgraduate Level |
Object Oriented Software Engg. |
M.Tech. |
Agile Development Methodology |
M.Tech. |
S. No. |
Programme |
Duration |
Organized by |
1 |
Participated & completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Faculty Development Program on "Building Services in Smart City Through IoT-Edge-Fog-Cloud Federation" | From 09 to 14 December, 2024 | National Institute of Technology Warangal |
2 |
Participated & completed successfully Two-Week Online National Refresher Course on "Challenges in Higher Education in India in 21st Century" | From 16 to 28 January, 2023 | Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre (PMMMNMTT), University of Delhi & Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir’s Loknete Vyankatrao Hiray Arts, Science and Commerce College, Nashik |
3 |
Participated & completed successfully Online Faculty Development Programme on "Python for Scientific Computing" | From 19 to 23 September, 2022 | Dept. of CSE, Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College & National Institute of Technology Warangal |
4 |
Participated & completed successfully AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on "Cyber Threats and Security Measures" | From 25 to 29 July, 2022 | Information Management and Emerging Engineering Department, Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science, Warangal |
5 |
Participated & completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Internet of Things (IoT)" |
From 07 to 12 December, 2020 |
at Indian Institute of Information Technology Kottayam. |
6 |
Participated & completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Block chain" |
From 20 to 24 December, 2020 |
at Indian Institute of Technology Patna. |
7 |
Participated & completed successfully International Online Faculty Development Program on "Data Science" |
From 05-10-2020 to 09-10-2020 |
Balaji Institute of Technology and Science, Narsampet, Warangal |
8 |
Participated & completed successfully “Two week International Online Faculty Development Program” on “SAP Business One” |
From 22-07-2020 to 07-08-2020 |
Transfinite iLab - Center of Excellence, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science (KITS) - Warangal , Telangana |
9 |
Participated & completed successfully “Online Faculty Development Program” on “INTRODUCTION TO WEB DEVELOPMENT” |
From 17-07-2020 to 19-07-2020 |
organized by Skill to Hire-Center of Excellence, Department of CSE, Sphoorthy Engineering College, Telangana |
10 |
Participated & completed successfully National Online Faculty Development Program on "AI Applications through Machine Learning" |
From 14-07-2020 to 18-07-2020 |
at Balaji Institute of Technology and Science, Narsampet, Warangal |
11 |
Participated & completed successfully Python 3.4.3 test by RATNAMALA PASWAN with course material provided by the Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay , pre-requisite for completing this training. PUJASHREE VIDAP at Pune Institute of Computer Technology |
organized at Pune Institute of Computer Technology and offered by the Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, funded by National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt., of India. |
12 |
Certified by NPTEL under IIS-Bangalore and completed successfully a Course on “NBA Accreditation and Teaching – Learning in Engineering” |
From Jan’2020 to April’2020 |
13 |
Participated in aicte sponsored two week faculty development programme on “domain specific iot and illustration of iots design using case studies” @ kitsw from 09th - 21st jan' 20. |
@ kitsw from 09th - 21st jan' 20. |
14 |
DST - ICPS sponsored a three day national workshop on “emerging trends in AI” |
From 20th - 22nd feb'20 |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
15 |
Certified by NPTEL under IIT-Kharagpur and completed successfully a Course on “Problem Solving through programming in C" |
From Jan’2019 to April’2019 |
IIT-Kharagpur |
16 |
Participation in MHRD Certified DST sponsored “Two Week Faculty Development Programme" on “Machine Learning In Speech Processing” |
from 11th - 22nd nov' 19 |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
17 |
Participation in DST sponsored Two Week Faculty Development Programme On “Advances In IoT” |
From 12th - 22nd Dec' 19 |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
18 |
ISTE Sponsored Faculty Development Workshop on “Internet of Things” |
A One-week in Decemeber’16. |
Jayamukhi Institute of Tehnological Sciences, Narsampet, Warangal. |
19 |
A ISTE STTP on “ Introduction to Design of Algorithms” |
Two-week from 27th April to 30th May 2015. |
by IIT-Bombay |
20 |
“Continuing education and quality improvement programme” |
5 Day Workshop |
by IIT-Bombay, Under the National Mission on Education (MHRD,Govt.Of India) from 24th Aug’2015 to 28th Aug’2015. |
21 |
A workshop on “Programming Technologies” |
Two day |
Conducted at BITS, Warangal. |
22 |
A ISTE E-Seminar on “Steps 2 Research” |
Two day |
by Amal Jyothi College of Engineering on 19-20 Spetember’2014. |
23 |
A ISTE E-Seminar on “Steps 2 Research” |
Two day |
by Amal Jyothi College of Engineering on 19-20 September, 2014. |
24 |
A workshop on “Emerging Technologies in Network Administration “ |
Two day |
at BITS, Narsampet, Warangal |
25 |
Attended Workshop “Advances in Information Security” |
2nd August, 2013. |
at BITS, Narsampet, Warangal |
26 |
Workshop on “Database Management Systems” |
Two weeks |
Conducted By IIT Bombay Under the National Mission on Education (MHRD,Govt.Of India) in May’2013. |
27 |
Participated a Creative Careers and Skill Development Workshop entitled “Emerging Technologies and Education in the Indian Entertainment Industry” |
One day, on 9th March ’13 |
at BITS, Narsampet, Warangal |
28 |
Attended workshop on “SCRIPTING LANGUAGES” |
2 Day, from 6th December’2012. |
29 |
Attended Staff Development Workshop on “Web Technologies” |
2-Week, from 14th to 26th June 2010. |
Sponsored by AICTE, conducted by Jayamukhi Institute of Tehnological Sciences, Narsampet, Warangal. |
30 |
A workshop on “Emerging and Challenging Research Issues in information Technology” |
Two day, from 5th to 6th Dec’2009. |
31 |
A workshop on “Teaching Skills for Engineering Teachers” |
3-day, from 2nd July, 2009. |
32 |
A workshop on “Advance Trends in Data Mining” |
Two day, from 29th to 30th Jun’2009. |
33 |
A workshop on “Design Patterns “ |
Two day, in Nov’2008. |
at BITS, Narsampet, Warangal |
34 |
A workshop on “Role of Web application in Emerging Technologies “ |
Two day |
at BITS, Narsampet, Warangal |
35 |
A workshop on “Linux Programming and Tools “ |
Three day, In February, 2008 |
at BITS, Narsampet, Warangal |
S. No. |
Title of the Paper Presented |
Title of Conference/ Seminar etc. |
Organized by |
1 | Optimizing crop yield through a data-driven approach with IoT data analytics and machine learning algorithms | Fifteenth International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT) | IIT-Mandi, in association with IEEE Electronics Packaging Society (June 24th – 28th, 2024) |
S.No |
Details |
1 |
Best Paper Award In 2020 At International Conference On Recent Advancements In Engineering And Management at SR UNIVERSITY |
S. No. |
Title of Lecture/ Academic Session |
Title of Conference/ Seminar etc. |
Organized by |